YES! I want to help prevent more drownings in the Great Lakes area image

YES! I want to help prevent more drownings in the Great Lakes area

Your tax deductible donation will directly support our many water safety initiatives

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Can We Count On You to Help Us Make Our Great Lakes Area Safer?

For Safely Enjoy the Great Lakes Week, we invite you to be a part of our “Safer Lakes ~ Greater Lakes” giving campaign.

Your water safety community helps people SAFELY enjoy the Great Lakes, with an ultimate vision of ending drowning. We appreciate all forms of your generosity, including joining our growing community of water safety champions, volunteering on one or more of our amazing Action Committees, or making a one-time or monthly donation of any amount.

And, if you donate $27 or more, we will add your name (or someone you want to honor or remember) to our new Virtual Water Safety Wall, which will launch with our new website soon.

Why Give?
  • Because too many people don't know how to keep themselves and their loved ones safe around the water. We are changing that, but we need your help.
  • Because too many people working at beaches and parks don't know the best practices for keeping visitors safe. We are changing that, but we need your help.
  • Because too many people don't know that drowning is the leading cause of accidental injury death in kids 1-4 and the second in kids under 15. We are changing that, but we need your help.

Know that your donation will directly support our proven and future drowning prevention efforts, including:

  • Providing loaner lifejackets that kids and adults may borrow while at the beach
  • Designing and equipping rescue stations so drowning victims can be quickly saved
  • Adding more beach warning signs around the Great Lakes area
  • Reaching millions of water lovers where they live on social media with digital ads
  • Funding water safety training programs in schools, planning contests and pop-up "WASABI" educational events, and advocating for lifeguards
  • Promoting innovative ideas like awesome flotation-delivering drones and cellular-based LED warning systems
  • Recognizing water safety heroes
  • And more

Of course, all of these lifesaving efforts cost money so we are asking for your generosity in the form of a tax-deductible donation to our Safer Lakes ~ Greater Lakes giving campaign by filling out the secure form above.

Please donate today. Thanks for everything you do.